Fundraising Ideas



Here's How It Works: Your group hosts a party that includes 2 hours of bowling, and you receive the portion of ticket sales that are over and above Bowlarama's fee.
Example: 100 tickets sold at $20.00 each, the centre agrees to a $9.00 fee. You keep ($11.00 x 100 = $1,100.00). Any tickets sold over 100, you keep $15.00 per ticket. (50 x $15.00 = $750.00) plus the $1,100.00 = $1,850.00 for a night of fun.
Tip: Amount easily increases through more ticket sales, so try giving incentives to your ticket "agents."


Here's How It Works: Sell a "bowling lane" to businesses in your area for a tax-deductible contribution of $100.00, $200.00, or $500.00 per lane. Each lane purchased will accommodate 6 people for a special bowling party to include 3 games of bowling and possibly beverages and prizes (to be negotiated with the centre).
Example: 20 lanes at $200.00 each equal $4,000.00, 20 lanes at $500.00 equals $10,000.00 (less the lane rental fee charged by the bowling centre).
Tip: Good PR is a must for this program. We suggest that the purchased lane party be given as a "thank you" to employees, underprivileged children in the area, or local honor students.


Here's How It Works: Recruit people to bowl in a special event where bowlers solicit pledges based on the total number of pins they knock down during the event, or by soliciting a dollar amount per game. (Bowling centres will help you build your pledge forms.)
Example: If the averaged raised per bowler is $50.00, and you have 100 bowlers, that equals $5,000.00; if $75.00 is raised by 100 bowlers, that equals $7,500.00, less the fee charged by the bowling centre. Let your imagination run wild.
Tip: Kids are great candidates to participate as bowlers, so if you can reach the pre-teen and teenage markets, your event will likely be a great success!


Here's How It Works: Basically, you form a "short session" fun league. Along with the weekly bowling fees,your league members would pay an additional $2.00 each week plus any fees for prize monies or an end-of-league party. The additional $2.00 would go toward your charity fund.
Example: 10 teams of 4 bowlers for 18 weeks. 40 bowlers x $2.00 x 18 = $1,440.00 for your charity fund.
Tip: Organize the league by encouraging bowlers to form their own teams, and do your best to generate real camaraderie among bowlers. Provide t-shirts, give inexpensive "gag" gifts for high/low scores, and give all participants specific feedback on how the monies were used.


Here's How It Works: Rent a bowling centre per lane or per person at an hourly rate, for example at a fee of $12 attendee. You receive the difference between the amount collected per person and the rental fee paid to the centre.
Example: 100 people pay $12.00 each to attend the party (100 x $12.00 = $1,200.00). centre rental fee is $400.00. Total you have raised: $800.00 for one morning.
Tip: Keep everyone entertained through fun bowling games and other activities such as face painting, palm reading, etc. Let people know in advance what's planned for each night, and be sure to announce upcoming events to continue generating interest and sign-ups.


Here's How It Works: Find a local celebrity to donate his/her time for an afternoon (day/evening) of bowling. Guests who attend pay a fee that includes bowling and time spent with the celebrity. After each centre's fees are paid, the remaining balance is given to the participating charity.
Example: 100 people pay $20.00 each to bowl 2 games (100 x $20.00 = $2,000.00). The centre agrees to keep $6.00 per person, which leaves you with $14.00 each. Total you have raised: (100 x $14.00 = $1,400.00).
Tip: Use sports stars, TV and radio personalities, political figures, or any well-known individuals. Ask celebrities to provide you with names of friends likely to join the fun, and market to them as well. Multiple celebrities at once will certainly result in the raising of more funds, so think big!